Subject: Re: Merging Net/Free/Open-BSD together against Linux
To: Artur Grabowski <>
From: ADRIAN Filipi-Martin <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 11/27/1998 00:49:30
by with SMTP; 27 Nov 1998 05:49:33 -0000
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Date: Fri, 27 Nov 1998 00:49:30 -0500 (EST)
From: ADRIAN Filipi-Martin <>
Reply-To: Adrian Filipi-Martin <>
To: Artur Grabowski <>
cc: Greg Lehey <>,
Alicia da Conceicao <>,
FreeBSD advocacy list <FreeBSD-advocacy@FreeBSD.ORG>,
Subject: Re: Merging Net/Free/Open-BSD together against Linux
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On Fri, 27 Nov 1998, ADRIAN Filipi-Martin wrote:
> So, again, who would like to participate on such a project,
> scanctioned by a *BSD core team, or not? The michanics of the process are
> fairly straight forward, but they are time intensive.
Just an addendum to my previous message. If you think you would
be interested in helping on such a task, send me your address off-line.
I'll save them.
If there is suficcient interest/manpower to make it more than a
one-man show, I'll set up a 3-way CVS mirror at UVa or maybe a local ISP.
We can tag an initial starting point and start merging into one of the
three trees. If this bears fruit we can then re-merge any recent changes
and make it a new baseline for userland. (Yes, there is undoubtedly a lot
more to consider, but it's a start.)
I think minimally, there would need to be two people from each
group. I am best counted as a FreeBSD'er. Are there five others?
[ -- Ubergeeks Consulting -- ]