Subject: Re: Merging Net/Free/Open-BSD together against Linux
To: None <>
From: ADRIAN Filipi-Martin <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 11/29/1998 16:22:39
by with SMTP; 29 Nov 1998 21:23:02 -0000
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Sun, 29 Nov 1998 16:22:39 -0500 (EST)
Date: Sun, 29 Nov 1998 16:22:39 -0500 (EST)
From: ADRIAN Filipi-Martin <>
Reply-To: Adrian Filipi-Martin <>
cc:, netbsd-advocacy@NetBSD.ORG, FreeBSD-advocacy@FreeBSD.ORG,
Subject: Re: Merging Net/Free/Open-BSD together against Linux
In-Reply-To: <>
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On Sun, 29 Nov 1998 wrote:
> ADRIAN Filipi-Martin wrote:
> ]
> ] Compatability at the ports level could surely be improved, but
> ] don't you think improving compatability at the /usr level would ease
> ] improving the compatability of the ports area? Without addressing /usr,
> ] you are faced with manging several sets of patches for many ports.
> ] Unifying /usr would restrict the multiple patch problem to kernel/system
> ] API specific packages.
> ]
> NOTE: I dont even necessarily support this off the cuff scheme:
> One approach that would realisticly improve chances could be as follows:
> 1. Agree on a new API
> Adjust toolchains/kernel/libs to support this API
> This API would exist as a binary emulation where appropriatee.
> The same API would then exist across all platforms and
> binaries written on one would work on all.
> (Note: we havent modified any programs yet.)
While, I think the rest of the points in the list were fine, I
really want to stay away form anything kernel related. This would also
include the toolchain to some degree. The toolchain could be just as deep
a bog as the kernel with respect to generating a consensus.
I'm thinking more along the lines of libc level compatability. If
some code uses a system specific syscall, it would have to be left upto
the particular core team to take care of it. That's not a huge burden.
They are already doing this.
[ -- Ubergeeks Consulting -- ]