Subject: Re: Something I noticed on the Yahoo site
To: Chris G. Demetriou <>
From: Todd Whitesel <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 12/10/1998 04:09:34
  by with SMTP; 10 Dec 1998 12:09:56 -0000
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From: Todd Whitesel <>
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Re: Something I noticed on the Yahoo site
In-Reply-To: <> from "Chris G. Demetriou" at "Dec 9, 98 11:31:35 pm"
To: (Chris G. Demetriou)
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 04:09:34 -0800 (PST)
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> The Czar should be responsible for keeping track of "PR-related
> opportunities," things like people who are shipping NetBSD on CD-ROM,
> etc., and coordinating so that the right events are hit, with the
> appropriate force (if the force can be mustered).  The Czar should
> also be given the authority to do that, or at least, the ability to do
> it without too much delay (i.e. guarantee that people with the right
> authority will actually respond in reasonable time).

Excellent. Someone, anyone, who is willing to do the kind of work that
regular corporations supposedly pay their own management staff to do.

It is a lot easier for me to do things like showing up one weekend for a
CD stuffing party, than it is for me to spearhead those projects myself.

Todd Whitesel
toddpw @