Subject: Re: Performance Computing article on old workstations
To: Mark Hall <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 02/04/1999 07:40:48
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Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1999 07:40:48 -0500
Message-ID: <>
To: (Mark Hall)
Cc: (Kevin Lipski), NetBSD-Advocacy@NetBSD.Org,
Jonathan Erickson <>
Subject: Re: Performance Computing article on old workstations
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Two of my interests are NetBSD and recycling, and this article had both.
I always read articles in your magazine with a view towards NetBSD
coverage. Sometimes there are parochial discussions along the lines of "my
free OS is better than your free OS," such as in the letters section, but
Brian Jepson's column completely avoided that.
I've been a NetBSD devotee since Dr. Dobb's Journal published the series on
its predecessor, 386BSD. Hopefully, a future article may examine the other
hardware platforms that NetBSD runs on, and how ports are done in the "free
world" to different architectures.
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Subject: Re[2]: Performance Computing article on old workstations
Author: (Mark Hall) at Internet
Date: 2/3/99 11:05 AM
We will be posting this article on our website in the next couple
weeks. Kevin Lipski can give you a better sense of when and where to
expect it.
What did you think of the piece? I assume you sound some value in it.
What made it stand out?--mh
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Subject: Re: Performance Computing article on old workstations
Author: at Internet
Date: 2/3/99 12:48 PM
As noted below, would like to cite or reprint the recent article
"Old Workstations Never Die." Can you point us to a URL or give the
requested permission?
Jim Spath (NetBSD user, of course)
p.s. I did find the Feb 99 "Currents" column at
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Subject: Re: Performance Computing article on old workstations
Author: Herb Peyerl <> at Internet
Date: 2/3/99 9:36 AM wrote:
> Performance Computing (FKA UNIX Review) has an article in the March 1999
> issue titled "Old Workstations Never Die." I was pleased to note that
> NetBSD was mentioned prominently. Figure 1 lists "Other available OSes"
> for architectures such as SPARCstation, Alpha, and BeBox. NetBSD is
> listed for 4 out of 7, although BeBox and NeXTStation were asterisked as
> under development. We missed SGI, HP and IBM boxes.
> My favorite quote was "You should keep an eye on Linux, NetBSD and
> OpenBSD."
Can you see if you can find a URL for that or get permission from them to
put it on the net and send it to to put in the "NetBSD in
the news" section of the webpage?
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Date: Wed, 3 Feb 1999 12:48:24 -0500
Message-ID: <>
Subject: Re: Performance Computing article on old workstations
To: Mark Hall Editor-in-Chief <>
Cc: Herb Peyerl <>,
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Content-Description: cc:Mail note part