Subject: Re: Community Issues ** LONG **
To: Mason Loring Bliss <>
From: Herb Peyerl <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 02/22/1999 13:50:07
  by with SMTP; 22 Feb 1999 20:50:27 -0000
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To: Mason Loring Bliss <>
        Michael Graff <>
Subject: Re: Community Issues ** LONG ** 
From: Herb Peyerl <>
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Content-ID: <15858.919716606.1@lager>
Date: Mon, 22 Feb 1999 13:50:07 -0700

Mason Loring Bliss <>  wrote:
 > A group run by no one in particular would be worthwhile, I think - I'd rather
 > not have any one person in charge, personally. We can do group meetings on the
 > IRC channel, if it proves convenient for deciding things, and we can issue
 > periodic reports to core and/or announce, or something.

I don't _do_ IRC but that's a seperate problem.

The problem we had on the 'www' list for the longest time was there were a
whole lot of people signed up but no one actually answering mail to 
'webmaster' because everyone thought someone else was doing it.

project based stuff (bumper stickers, system bezels) is one thing; but 
there are ongoing recurrent activities that one person needs to be in
charge of. (one person per recurring activity).  For example: "doing
press releases" or "media relations" or "conference organization", etc.

 > I'm interested in doing this, and I expect that other people will be, too.

So get started. :)