Subject: Re: SoftPRO
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 04/19/1999 15:54:04
In message <>, Mason Loring Bliss w
>Is there any way we could put together a package that could be sold at
>SoftPRO and similar places? It would be a shame for NetBSD to be the only
>BSD they don't carry, and I can guarantee that folks won't be buying NetBSD
>CDs there if they don't have 'em.

Seems plausible.

>Is this something we can reasonably pursue? It's something I think we *SHOULD*

I'd love to see it happen.  I have a CD burner and a very very small amount
of free time.  Anyone else?  Maybe we can make stone soup.  :)
