Subject: Re: NetBSD: Certified mom-ready.
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 04/19/1999 16:09:52
In message <>, Julian Assange writes:
>Electing a `netbsd Great Leader' every six months, might be a way to
>encourage such talnet to float to the top, with the damage limited to
>six months if people pick badly -- but given the experiences of Herb
>et al, you would have to question why anyone would want to
>nominate. Hopefully, after the recent spate of resignations, we are in
>for a positive cultural shift there too.
That, or we could try to implement bazaar-model PR. :)
I think this actually has a lot of potential; if we start telling everyone
that they can, in fact, go out and push NetBSD, we may be able to get the
kind of PR visibility we want; we just need a couple of scapegoats you can
contact for more information, who are willing to talk to press people, answer
questions, and find answers when they don't have 'em.