Subject: Re: NetBSD: Certified mom-ready.
To: None <>
From: Jeroen Ruigrok/Asmodai <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 04/20/1999 00:21:58
On 19-Apr-99 wrote:
> In message <>, "Perry E. Metzger"
> writes:
>>That's part of why I pushed to have the -advocacy list created. People 
>>have to realize that NetBSD is *user supported*. That means PR as much 
>>as anything. The handful of fanatics can't do it alone -- the mass of
>>the user community has to help.
> Cool.  Well, we'll have to get going then.  Do we have anyone here who
> has PR experience?

Depends on what ye call experience...

Currently me and some other dutch guys are trying to get a FreeBSD (*BSD)
Convention off in the Netherlands in November... Might be a good
opportunity for other Dutch *BSD users to rear their ugly heads =)

Same thing would go for the FreeBSD Con planned in October.

I mean, the name might imply FreeBSD, but aren't we all BSD at heart? =)

Would do wonders for development/programmer contacts as well...

Just my 0.02 Euro's

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven                asmodai(at)
        The FreeBSD Programmer's Documentation Project 
Network/Security Specialist      <>
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