Subject: Re: SoftPRO
To: None <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 04/20/1999 02:06:09
On Mon, 19 Apr 1999 wrote:
> Anyone wanna start on a manual?
OK, just to throw in something, here 's what I did when 1.3.2 came out:
- put 1.3.2 release for alpha, amiga and i386 on a CD
(just because *I* used these platforms then)
- include X for these platforms (well, basically part of the release)
- Add binary packages for these systems
- The image from on the frontside with some brief
description of what's on this CD (NetBSD + X + pkgs for the archs
mentioned above).
- Documentation was quite just a couple of pointers printed on the
back of the CD:
* To install the base system, look into release/<arch>/INSTALL
* To install X, look into release/<arch>/INSTALL.X11
* To add binary packags from pkg/<arch>/All, type
"pkg_add pkg/<arch>/All/foo-x.y.tgz"
* For more information see, or mail with "help"
in body.
The CD was really minimaliastic from both effort to produce and people it
went to (not much more than 5), but it really *was* easy to do.
And I think something like this *would* actually sell.
Maybe I'll repeat this when 1.4 is out. :-)
- Hubert
Hubert Feyrer <>