Subject: Re: committees? _elections?_ magazine-sucking ex-frat MBA's?
To: Miles Nordin <carton@Ivy.NET>
From: Julian Assange <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 04/20/1999 13:14:40
Miles Nordin <carton@Ivy.NET> writes:
> On 20 Apr 1999, Julian Assange wrote:
> > Electing a `netbsd Great Leader' every six months,
> What sort of Great Leader could ever win an election? Actors and prom
> queens win elections. No, better to invite a bitter, ruthless, incessant,
> exhausting struggle for power.
> ..and rremember, you're only El Presidente, for liefe.
But an actor or prom queen, is *just* who we need as a Great Leader (I
prefer the prom queen, I feel sure if we had a prom queen as Great
Leader, we would turn heads). If they can sell themselves to
developers, they should be able to sell NetBSD to to masses standing
on their head. And who says prom queens don't have vision? The last
person we want occupying this position is a detail oriented coder,
who's skills would be far better used elsewhere.