Subject: netbsd aphorisms / slogans
To: None <,>
From: Julian Assange <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 04/20/1999 23:34:42
Some anagrams for NetBSD-core:

	Bent Coders
	Secret Bond
	Robs DECNet
	Cost Bender
	Cot Benders
	Be stern, Doc.
	Net robs DEC
	DEC robs Net

NetBSD core team:

       Crested Boatmen
       Resented Combat
       Boast Decrement
       Basement DEC rot
       Breasted cot men
       Embraces dot net
       Strobed teen cam
       Aborted men sect
       Emtomb DEC tears
       Strobe mased net
       Strobe mased ten
       Erect teen bonds
       A boned cream test
       Cremate no debts

NetBSD - your basement or mine?
NetBSD - the cathedral versus the bizarre.
NetBSD - scalability does matter.
NetBSD - we have nothing to decare but our benchmarks.
NetBSD - the devil's advocate.
NetBSD - the cure.
NetBSD - a devil of an operating system.
NetBSD - the Berkeley redemption.
NetBSD - more is more.
NetBSD - the devil made me do it.
NetBSD - the devil finds work for idle cycles.
NetBSD - safe ports in a storm.
NetBSD - more ported 

NetBSD, stupid.
NetBSD - the power to suave.
NetBSD - penguin flesh never tasted so good.
NetBSD - here today and in the middle of 2038 tomorrow.
NetBSD - the power to swerve (penguins, worse than cane toads).
NetBSD - where do you want to go Tuesday?
NetBSD - big, isn't it?
NetBSD - the devil's not just in vaudeville.
NetBSD - the semen in the money shot.
NetBSD - posix me harder.
NetBSD - free yourself from Sallmanist thought.
NetBSD - we're on a mission from Hell.
NetBSD - Mach 3 steath OS, undetectable by media radar.
NetBSD - more ports than Tracy Lords.
NetBSD - a girl in every port.
NetBSD - a mycroft in every port.
NetBSD - more ported than sherry.

Never mind the bollocks, here's NetBSD.

[couldn't resist]
OpenBSD - where the 31337 prefer to crash.
OpenBSD - exterminate all rational thought.
OpenBSD - the opiate of the script kiddies.
OpenBSD - you have nothing to loose but your claims.

OpenSource is just another word for nothing left to loose.

Julian Assange          <>

Pathological exhibits...human scum...paranoics, degenerates, morons,
bludgers...pack of dingoes...industrial outlaws and political
lepers...ratbags. If these people went to Russia, Stalin wouldn't
even use them for manure.
    - Arthur Calwell, Australian Minister of Immigration and
      Information, on Australian Communists