Subject: Re: SoftPRO
To: Hal Murray <>
From: Curt Sampson <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 04/22/1999 01:54:39
On Wed, 21 Apr 1999, Hal Murray wrote:

> I was thinking of adding a "mom" section to a widely distributed 
> CD.  CDs hold 600 megabytes.  There is probably room for a more few 
> megabytes of useful things. 

My thought was to make a `convert a Linux user' CD. The first step
is to make it i386-only, as this leaves lots of room for pre-compiled
packages and the like, and anybody who's not on an i386 platform
is either a die-hard fan of their particular operating system or
will happily spend hours downloading NetBSD over a 14.4 modem just
to get out of their misery.

The install would have to be good (not that ours is that bad, for
many), but the rest is easy: lots o' cool packages installed along
with the distro, and the Linux partitions mounted automatically so
they can get their old data.

And the last part of the intent here was to duplicate enough of
these that I could take a huge stack to the local Linux user group
meeting, and give them to everyone.

Curt Sampson  <>   604 801 5335   De gustibus, aut bene aut nihil.
The most widely ported operating system in the world: