Subject: collected NetBSD slogan competition
To: None <>
From: Julian Assange <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 04/23/1999 18:38:18
The slogan thread has been so successful that a NetBSD slogan / logo
competition for 1.4 (say for some alpha, sparc hardware etc),
advertised on slashdot (with the replies forming part of a slashdot
thread) would be *fanstatic* publicity. I have some spare sparc
hardware, but equipment donations from North America would be better
placed. Thoughts?

Mason Loring Bliss <>
  NetBSD: The Power of Code
  NetBSD long theme: "Eat a queer fetus for Jesus, and run NetBSD!"
  NetBSD short theme, for stickers and tattoos: NetBSD... Bitchin'!
  NetBSD logo: Kiss-painted (w/tongue) Beastie stabbing a pitchfork through a
	 bloodied and obviously-in-horrible-pain Tux.
  NetBSD home page: Ultra-heavy use of blink text, hot colours, and Flash plug-
	 ins. All shockwave, all the time. Background music ought to be a
	 mixture of Phillip Glass overlaid on top of Sublime.

Chris Jones <>
  NetBSD: The Final Frontier

Chris Baird:
  NetBSD is full. Go away.

Greg Earle <earle@isolar.Tujunga.CA.US>
  NetBSD: May the Source be with you

Tim Rightnour <>
  NetBSD: The free OS with a money back guarantee!
  NetBSD: If your server could choose, it would choose NetBSD

"Charles M. Hannum" <>
  NetBSD: We're so committed to it being free, we won't sell it to you
          even if you ask!

Tom Harvey <>
  NetBSD: The choice of hundreds worldwide
  NetBSD: Twice the Bits-Clean of other Leading OSes
  NetBSD: Two guys with a vax
  NetBSD: CD-ROMs? We don't need no stinkin' CD-ROMs!
  NetBSD: We put the "Net" in "BSD", and took out the "Free"
  NetBSD: Are you old enough to run it?
  NetBSD: It keeps on going...and going...and going...
  NetBSD: The power to serve, also
  NetBSD: Not your mother's OS (unless you are P. Seebach)
  NetBSD: Dave Barry is working on our motto
  NetBSD: Where do you want to have the power to serve, tomorrow?
  NetBSD: It's...uh...well...have you heard of linux?

Mirian Crzig Lennox <>
  NetBSD: Re: NetBSD Slogans

Hubert Feyrer <>
  NetBSD. Not Guano.
  NetBSD: Resistance is NOT futile!
  NetBSD: Resistance is futile!  You will be supported.

Steven J. Dovich <>
  NetBSD: preferred by Rocket Scientists and Moms!

Dirk Myers <>
  NetBSD: Choose Your Own Slogan

"R. C. Dowdeswell" <>
  NetBSD: demonic power.

Paul Newhouse <>
  NetBSD: You can't handle it.

Greg Lehey <>
  NetBSD: it'll be there when you're ready for it

Andrew Gillham <>
  NetBSD: Get Over It.
  NetBSD: We Come In Peace.
  NetBSD: No Sh;t!
  NetBSD: More Ports That A Cheap Whore
  NetBSD: Unix With Balls.
  NetBSD, Net Profit.
  NetBSD, Net Improvement.
  NetBSD, No Worries!
  NetBSD, In Stalls Anywhere
  NetBSD, Tap The Power
  NetBSD, SIMMs Like Good Code
  NetBSD, Feed The Computer.
  NetBSD, Net Some Nines.
  NetBSD, More Nines.

Bob Nestor <>
  NetBSD: the free unix for the rest of us

Ken Nakata <>
  NetBSD - hackers tested, mom approved

Dave Tyson <>
  I didn't get where I am today without using NetBSD

R. C. Dowdeswell <>
  NetBSD - daemonic power

Curt Sampson <>
  NetBSD: I Wanna Be Sedated

Brian D Chase <>
  NetBSD: It spanks the knickers off those other operating systems

Herb Peyerl <>
  NetBSD: Someday, we won't burn your toast

David Brownlee <>
  NetBSD: Microsoft ask you where you wan tto go, NetBSD gets you there
  NetBSD: lets get it right
  NetBSD: the server is up

Erik E. Fair <>
  NetBSD: Agnostics in the Platform Religious Wars.
  NetBSD: making all computer hardware a commodity.
  NetBSD: unshackling hardware designers and users from the bondage of WinTel.
  NetBSD: true inheritors of the UNIX(tm) legacy.

Julian Assange <>

  Anagrams for NetBSD-core:
	Bent Coders
	Secret Bond
	Robs DECNet
	Cost Bender
	Cot Benders
	Be stern, Doc.
	Net robs DEC
	DEC robs Net

  NetBSD core team:

       Crested Boatmen
       Resented Combat
       Boast Decrement
       Basement DEC rot
       Breasted cot men
       Embraces dot net
       Strobed teen cam
       Aborted men sect
       Emtomb DEC tears
       Strobe mased net
       Strobe mased ten
       Erect teen bonds
       A boned cream test
       Cremate no debts

  NetBSD - your basement or mine?
  NetBSD - the cathedral versus the bizarre.
  NetBSD - Scalability Does Matter.
  NetBSD - we have nothing to decare but our benchmarks.
  NetBSD - the devil's advocate.
  NetBSD - the cure.
  NetBSD - a devil of an operating system.
  NetBSD - the Berkeley redemption.
  NetBSD - more is more.
  NetBSD - the devil made me do it.
  NetBSD - the devil finds work for idle cycles.
  NetBSD - safe ports in a storm.
  NetBSD - we put the Net in NetBSD.
  NetBSD - a server in every port.

  NetBSD, stupid.
  NetBSD - We're not in canvas anymore, toto
  NetBSD - the power to suave.
  NetBSD - penguin flesh never tasted so good.
  NetBSD - here today and in the middle of 2038 tomorrow.
  NetBSD - the power to swerve (penguins, worse than cane toads).
  NetBSD - where do you want to go Tuesday?
  NetBSD - big, isn't it?
  NetBSD - the devil's not just in vaudeville.
  NetBSD - the semen in the money shot.
  NetBSD - posix me harder.
  NetBSD - free yourself from Sallmanist thought!
  NetBSD - we're on a mission from Hell.
  NetBSD - Mach 3 stealthOS, undetectable by media radar.
  NetBSD - more ports than a Norwegian crack whore.
  NetBSD - Multiples Architectures lead to Multiple Orgasms.
  NetBSD - A Mycroft in every port.
  NetBSD - We put the OS in OrgaSm.
  NetBSD - Bits for Tits.
  NetBSD - Serious Other, or Serious Operating system. Your choice.

  Never mind the bollocks, here's NetBSD.

Miles Nordin <carton@Ivy.NET>
  NetBSD: The Last Bastion of the true UNIX Religion.

Feico Dillema <>
  NetBSD: The power to Connect

Lars-Johan Liman <>
  NetBSD: Professionalpower!
  NetBSD: Flexible and free!
  NetBSD: Stable and strong!
  NetBSD: Rock solid!
  NetBSD: Servers' choice!
  NetBSD: Perpetual performance!

Mike Latinovich <>
  NetBSD: An Operating System For Everyone

Frank Warren <>
  NetBSD is PAR -- Powerful, Advanced, Reliable.  Is your OS up to PAR?

Andrew Gillham <>
  NetBSD: My Computer Runs!
  NetBSD: My Computer Works!
  NetBSD is the bomb.  (ok, bad idea)
  NetBSD: We Stay Up.
  NetBSD: Use the ENTIRE computer!
  NetBSD: Groovy Baby!
  NetBSD: Network Power Unleashed.
  NetBSD: Power Your Net.
  NetBSD: For The Network Generation
  NetBSD: Stop, Drop, and Load
  NetBSD: Network Your World.
  NetBSD: Networking Space

Daniel Carosone <>
  NetBSD: better for your uptime than Viagra.

Perry Metzger <>
  NetBSD: priapic OS

Jim Wise <>
  NetBSD/sparc: less Lovelaces in your LX?

Allen Briggs <>
  Where would you have rather been today, tomorrow? NetBSD.
  My other computer runs NetBSD

Paul Wain <>
  NetBSD: Its not Windows.

Johan Ihren <>
  NetBSD: Beyond Windows
  NetBSD: If you look through Windows

  NetBSD: The Wor'ds Most Portable Operating System
  NetBSD: Multi-platform OS
  NetBSD: We Suck Less
  NetBSD: the second best thing you can get for free
  NetBSD: it's not free beer, but it's free
  Of course it runs NetBSD.