Subject: Re: your mail
To: Thor Lancelot Simon <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 05/01/1999 16:12:45
On Tue, 20 Apr 1999, Thor Lancelot Simon wrote:

> We've historically been *extremely* poor at marketing our strengths.  For
> example, at one point I reworked the front page of the web site to at least
> *mention* all the architectures we ran on, but due to poor communication
> that got removed because someone thought it looked "cluttered".  Fine, maybe
> it looked "cluttered", but now it's as it was before -- from the front
> page, you have to navigate three poorly-laid-out and unobvious lists of
> links to actually get to where you can see if port X runs on your hardware Y,
> or even if there *is* a "port X"!
	Are we looking at the same front page?
	I see a 'Supported Hardware' link on the main page, which takes me
	to a list of supported architectures, split into formal,
	experimental, and not yet integrated sections.

	This may not be as obvious as listing all the ports on the main
	page, but I would hardly class it as 'unobvious'. However I
	already know where to look, so _please_ let me know how you feel
	it could be improved.

	Hmmm, the top two lists on that page would probably look better
	side by side - I'll do that now.

	Another thought might be to merge the 'supported', and
	'experimental' tables, adding a column listing the last
	(if any) formal release - what do people think?

> Basically, worrying about this stuff is nobody's job, and it shows.

	Its any number of volunteers' job, and I though we were doing
	reasonably well with making information available on the website,
	given the positive feedback we've been getting, but as ever - if
	you think there are things wrong, let us know.


	 -=-  "Just adding to the wrinkles on his deathly frown"  -=-