Subject: /. mention
To: None <>
From: Michael K. Sanders <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 05/12/1999 14:29:53
From slashdot today:

*BSD News

          Posted by CmdrTaco on Wednesday May 12, @08:24AM EDT
          from the big-batch-o-bsd dept.
          Woody writes "There is tons of stuff happening on the BSD front.
          The NetBSD Foundation is scheduled to release version 1.4 of
          their multi-platform OS tomorrow, May 12. The OpenBSD group
          is scheduled to release version 2.5 of their super-secure
	  multi-platform OS on May 19. Finally, those boys over at
	  FreeBSD are scheduled to release version 3.2 of their i386
	  optimized OS on or around May 15. Lots of rumblings in the
	  BSD world! "