Subject: BSD Related User Group in Los Angeles
To: None <>
From: Joseph Garcia <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 05/21/1999 08:04:48
Hello all!

There's a BSD related User Group in the Los Angeles
area.  It's still in it's infancy, but with more
members things can hopefullly get off the ground.

One of the major goals of this group is for BSD
Advocacy.  I believe that with user groups the BSD
community can work together to try to get the BSD's
more out in the public.  Hopefully, one day we will
get as much attention that Linux has been getting.  We
know  our software is better, we know it's pretty much
been around longer since it's been based on the
orgiginal BSD Unix from Berkeley, but we have to let
everyone else know.

Also, meetings are planned in the future to get
together to talk about BSD Advocacy, Networking,
Security, Software, and X Desktop Workstations.  It
will be a great way to hang out, have a few drinks,
and maybe get some pizza.

If anyone in the Los Angeles area is interested. 
Please visit:



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