Subject: Re: Penguin Butcher T-Shirts
To: None <netbsd-advocacy@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Zach Fine <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 06/10/1999 16:56:16
How 'bout just the daemon and Tux lying back in bed, smoking? I'm not
sure what such imagery would mean though. A shirt featuring the two of
them actually engaged in the act would be likely to be a big seller
along Greek Row here at the University of Washington much like a
certain Calvin & Hobbes shirt a couple of years ago, but wouldn't be
something I'd want to wear.

Maybe we could do some sort of play on the old theme of a character
getting conflicting advice from the little angel over one shoulder
(conscience) and the little demon over the other (id).  If the
character having the moral conundrum was the BSD daemon, what would
his conundrum be and who would represent the angel and demon over
his/her shoulders?

-Zach Fine

>>>>> "Mason" == Mason Loring Bliss <> writes:

    Mason> That aside, I like the idea. It could of course be taken
    Mason> further... Maybe the daemon could love the penguin up a
    Mason> bit. <shrug>