Subject: Darwin source! Help Apple promote open source too...
To: None <>
From: Todd Whitesel <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 11/19/1999 03:29:52
Thanks to the responsible dude at Apple, I now have a few copies of the
Darwin Open Source SDK Volume 1, Summer 1999
This contains, according to the package:
Darwin OS Release 0.3 (source code & installers!)
Darwin Streaming Server Release 1.0.1
OpenPlay Release 1.0
Haven't dug into one yet, but I'll get to it soon.
BTW if you want to help promote more open source at Apple, decide to learn
GDB and offer to work on it full-time for them. Apparently the guy who made
these open source SDK CD's is perpetually swamped trying to support the
extensive internal use of GDB at Apple. If he had a full-time person to
delegate the GDB work to, he'd be able to get more source CD's out the door!
I'm not sure how widely this should be advertised, so don't go posting it
to slashdot or anything. I'm beginning to think I should just call the guy
and ask for permission to post something on Daemonnews Daily. He did say I
could tell a mailing list (like this!).
Todd Whitesel
toddpw @