Subject: Re: See NetBSD in Action (well, not yet ;)
To: Charles M. Hannum <>
From: Herb Peyerl <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 11/22/1999 15:43:33 (Charles M. Hannum) wrote:
> When I'm talking to a software vendor (closed *or* open source) about
> porting to NetBSD, it's nice to able to say `we have a lab you can use
> to build your software'. It would be even nicer to be able to say `we
> have a lab you can use to build your software for any NetBSD platform
> you want to support'. Having lots of disjoint, private `build labs'
> does not help me do the latter.
well, gee, we're trying... It's a little difficult to expect that I
should be able to go out and buy one of everything... I've bought a
fair amount of hardware for our build lab and a number of people
have donated hardware... We're trying to make it accessible to all
developers by sync'ing the password files and .ssh/authorized_keys
files with * machines... I certainly can't and won't stop
others from setting up their own build labs...
As it is, there's only a few missing platforms and I'm trying hard
to obtain them...
Incidentally, I've spoken to many of the software houses and offered
them space in the build lab on which to port their applications. Some
of them have expressed interest in having it...
It's not clear to me what you're getting at here except possibly the
chance to take a potshot at someone...