Subject: Re: [Frank da Cruz : Re: Kermit and NetBSD]
To: None <>
From: Bill Sommerfeld <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 11/23/1999 11:00:53
[Again, I'm just expressing my opinions here, not expressing the
official views of the Project].

One question of interest for me is whether the folks building the
mmEye ( or similar devices would have to
negotiate a special license with columbia to include a kermit binary
and source with the netbsd-derived system they sell for their
multimedia server hardware product.

If so, kermit sources and binaries are not open source and should not
be included in the "official" NetBSD distribution CD's.

Because of the possible confusion it may entail, I don't think we want
to put up for FTP anything which can't be repackaged and redistributed
by anyone else.

					- Bill