Subject: Re: Why people know what FreeBSD and OpenBSD are, but not NetBSD.
To: Michael Graff <>
From: Curt Sampson <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 12/07/1999 10:29:42
On 6 Dec 1999, Michael Graff wrote:
> ...and not
> reinventing a different shaped wheel when a reasonable one already
> exists.
Do you have some examples of where we are doing this currently?
Certainly not with the new /etc/rc stuff: few people argue that
/etc/rc?.d/S00foo stuff doesn't suck, and no matter which way we
do it, we're going to be incompatable with either System V or Linux.
Given that Linux has burned a lot of people by looking like System
V but not acting like it, I see no reason we should duplicate the
Curt Sampson <> 917 532 4208 De gustibus, aut bene aut nihil.
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