Subject: "How to help NetBSD" web page ideas?
To: None <>
From: Bill Sommerfeld <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 12/07/1999 11:11:19
here's a thought for something we could add to our website:

A bunch of short blurbs on "how to help netbsd", targeted at various

 - end users
	- try out NetBSD, let us know how it goes
	- if it does work, let us know.
	- if it doesn't work for you, let us know why.

 - peripheral developers:
	- give us hardware *AND DOCS*
	- list contact addresses for 

 - system developers:
	"Want your hardare to run NetBSD?"
	- point at consultants page for assitance with ports to new
	- point to port-specific list and/or portmaster for new
	  hardware types for an existing port.
	- mention that our MI driver architecture means that we may
	  have most of the code they need already.

 - software developers
	- port software ..
	- ...

					- Bill