Subject: Re: Which OS would YOU choose?
To: Miles Nordin <carton@Ivy.NET>
From: David Maxwell <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 12/08/1999 12:48:57
On Tue, Dec 07, 1999 at 11:51:25PM -0700, Miles Nordin wrote:
> On Wed, 8 Dec 1999, David Maxwell wrote:
> > Not 'write' no, but approve the use of their name.
> hah! seriously?
> We are not a bunch of jellowbellied barbecuing
> firework-saluting cop-fearing whimps. Are we? Please tell me, No!
> If there is seriously some part of free speech that prevents us from Using
> The Name of a Tiny Insignificant Corporatin In Vain, please elucidate me.
> Otherwise, let's toss this first point out.
No, but if we do this without discussing it with them, then we're a
bunch of assholes.
A communication designed to benefit their company, and TNF is the way
to go.
> > It would be neat if we could pick a week and release a TNF press
> > release on Monday, then for the rest of the week, one large player
> > (Digital/Compaq, Apple, ...) plus a longer list of smaller
> One problem I see with carrying it out, is that it's difficult for a
> loosely-organized group of people to keep things secret and then
> ``announce'' them. It will, at the very least, put the burden of making
A) It doesn't need to be a secret. We can publicly plan that May 7-13, 2000
is "NetBSD awareness week" (THAT'S A DATE I MADE UP, NOT A REAL ONE)
B) We could schedule it as far in advance as needed for preparation,
set up an email address for people who know about companies using NetBSD
to submit them to, then contact their PR people.
David Maxwell,| -->
Any sufficiently advanced Common Sense will seem like magic...
- me