Subject: Re: Which OS would YOU choose?
To: Charles M. Hannum <>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 12/08/1999 18:25:53 (Charles M. Hannum) writes:
> > B) Feedback from companies using NetBSD in their development of products:
> >
> > "Our development cycles have been greatly enhanced through the
> > use of the quality NetBSD code base."
> > - B. Smith, VP Development, AAA Corp
> Actually, I disagree. Nobody reads tripe like this and believes it.
You don't, Charles. The reason advertisers still use that sort of
thing is that they regularly test testimonials in focus groups and the
like and find they are a powerful tool. I can suggest several books on
advertising practice if you like.
You're not a normal person, Charles. Normal people have a different
take on advertising than you do. You shouldn't be trying to sell just
to *you*, since *you* already use our code and don't need to be sold.