Subject: Re: Which OS would YOU choose?
To: Miles Nordin <carton@Ivy.NET>
From: Andrew Gillham <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 12/09/1999 12:57:27
Miles Nordin writes:
> > I agree, we shouldn't be in the concealing information business.  That
> > doesn't mean we're in the "Freedom of Information" business.
> I'm a bit hazy on the exact position you're taking.  If we would otherwise
> like to publicize Fact X, but we _choose_ not to publicize it because we
> have noticed that Company Y doesn't like to talk about it--that is,
> Company Y is trying to _conceal_ fact X--then we have just entered the
> concealing-information business.

I'm suggesting that TNF shouldn't be publicizing information about certain
companies using NetBSD without their permission.  Or at the very least TNF
should ask nicely (repeatedly if necessary), and not get into the implicit
threat business.  e.g. "We _know_ you're using it, either agree to a press
release, or we will be posting about it anyway, except we'll say what _we_

If TNF has excellent PR information about the use of NetBSD I would love
to see something written up about it.  My concern is simply that if this
is handled in a heavy-handed manner, this may alienate these commercial
users, and start them thinking about another OS.

This is _my opinion_ and a lowly _user_ of NetBSD.

Regardless of my opinion TNF can do whatever they want, I am simply 
recommending caution.

Coming from a "big" corporation, I can say that if a big press release
was made that listed us as using NetBSD (but not shipping a product),
it is highly likely that I would be required to replace the "offending"
machines ASAP.  I might (if I talk really fast) be able to replace it
with Linux ("IBM supports Linux"), but mostlikely it would be NT.

Now a shop that has a huge development investment in NetBSD would not
be as likely to say "rip it out", but their management might have the
same attitude.  So in the short term, we (where I work) certainly
have many choices for an OS, but they (development shop) don't. Should
TNF prey on that fact, and force them do to *anything* simply because
of the "influence" NetBSD may have. (due to the millions of $$ invested
in the product line)

Now after TNF has exercised some form of due diligence on getting 
cooperation, and _still_ no results, then perhaps a relevant posting
along the lines of "The acme widget happens to run NetBSD/widget" would
be appropriate.

Anyway, I think this topic has been beaten to death by us "users", and
TNF needs to do what TNF needs to do.

Miles, how about posting Luke Mewburn's anecdote on slashdot or daemonnews?
(BTW Luke, nice ftp client!  Who needs that 'ncftp' business anyway!)

Andrew Gillham                            | This space left blank                     | inadvertently.
I speak for myself, not for my employer.  | Contact the publisher.