Subject: Re: Why run NetBSD
To: None <>
From: Frank Warren <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 12/10/1999 20:09:00
Gosh.  This sounds really great.  Is it expensive?


> After I had to come up with some arguments for NetBSD, I've put them
> together in some web page, see
> I'd appreciate any input. Right now I have:
> ---
> Why should I choose NetBSD over FreeBSD/OpenBSD/Linux?
> Although NetBSD runs on like 27 more archs than you probably have, it
> still offers you:
>    * State of the art device drivers (shall I say soundcard? :-) Oh, and
>      just in case you need features like serial console or a netboot...
>    * Latest network technologies (first OS to integrate IPv6, IEEE 802.11
>      wireless networking, ...)
>    * First OS to include USB support for mice, keyboards, modem, mass
>      storage devices (USB ZIP!), ...
>    * DVD ROM and RAM support
>    * Working LFS and FFS with softdep support for fast, high performance
>      filesystems
>    * Installation from floppy, CD, disk, tape, NFS, FTP, ...
>    * One (1) source tree for all architectures, including X, networking,
>      device drivers, ...
>    * Least number of security bugs reported in any public forums like
>      bugtraq (Security without a hype :-)
>    * Runs your Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris, SCO-binaries just fine.
>    * First free OS to make a y2k statement (in case you need it ;-)
>    * Kernel debugging on the local machine, remote, or post mortem.
>    * Full source available (even the RCS files, in case you want your own
>      CVS repository)
>    * ... and OF COURSE it runs all the essentials like KDE, GNOME,
>      Quake, apache, perl, samba, StarOffice, GIMP, etc.
> Probably the only thing you won't get with NetBSD is the media hype.
> You'll need to get that somewhere else. :-)
> ---
>  - Hubert
> --
> NetBSD - Better for your uptime than Viagra