Subject: Re: Why run NetBSD
To: None <netbsd-advocacy@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Antti Kantee <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 12/11/1999 15:12:59
On Sat Dec 11 1999 at 04:08:08 +0100, Hubert Feyrer wrote:
> After I had to come up with some arguments for NetBSD, I've put them
> together in some web page, see
> I'd appreciate any input. Right now I have:
Perhaps you might want to decrease the amount of smileys in the text, it
makes the text look rather non-serious, although everybody knows we're
serious as hell. Another thing worth considering is not ending
statements in '...', but rather stating the fact: "WE RULE!", PERIOD
> * First OS to include USB support for mice, keyboards, modem, mass
> storage devices (USB ZIP!), ...
This is slightly ambiguous, it doesn't clearly state that we were to
first to have any kind of USB support at all.
"First OS to support USB. Support includes mice, keyboards....." could
be better?
> * DVD ROM and RAM support
> * Working LFS and FFS with softdep support for fast, high performance
> filesystems
These two I like. clear, unarguable (well..) facts
"Never underestimate the power of the Lite side of the \Source/"
Antti Kantee / NetBSD \ 1973 <- draken \ / o
<> / \ platters -> 1999 \ / |
______________/ Free Multiplatform UN*X \___________________\/__ |