Subject: Re: IPv6 on your business card?
To: None <>
From: Andrew Gillham <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 02/01/2000 10:35:08
Hubert Feyrer writes:
> Aparently there are 20MB-CDs available, in business card format.
> I wonder if we should whack together a IPv6 ready system? :)
> (See, it's a german language ad for
> these CDRs)
Check out '' to see various shapes and sizes
that can be had. Basically they make a normal CD, then cut it to
shape. Presumably one could just pre-cut CDRs and have the same
I've considered doing something like this myself, but never really
had anything "cool" to put on the CD. A bootable CD that loads
into X with a browser would be quite snazzy. A free X terminal
on a business card. :-) (I think the real CDs have 40MB capacity)
What would go into a "IPv6" ready system? NetBSD/i386 with a
GENERIC kernel and 'base' distribution? A IPv6 router with the
works, including IPv6 apache, etc? Or perhaps a IPv6 DHCP server
with BIND or something? :-)
Andrew Gillham | This space left blank | inadvertently.
I speak for myself, not for my employer. | Contact the publisher.