Subject: arg ! [no translation alvailable]
To: Crolard Tristan <>
From: sL <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 02/03/2000 15:16:37
impossible de r=E9sister =E0 =E7a:
<< Linux est un =E9piph=E9nom=E8ne, martelle par exemple Jean-Paul Figer, d=
technique chez Cap Gemini, [...] N=E9amoins, le ph=E9nom=E8ne Linux est int=
sur un point: il apporte un vrai standard, lequel a toujours fait d=E9faut =
monde Unix. En tant qu'int=E9grateur, cette standardisation nous facilite l=
t=E2che. >>
<< Cet engagement s'inscrit dans une strat=E9gie globale e-business qui n=
la mise en place de standards. Linux est le pivot de cette standardisation,
explique Thierry Latapy, =E0 la direction Int=E9gration technologique et Se=
Softwares chez IBM Global Services (IBM GS). >>
Le Monde Informatique, 28 janvier 2000, page 38.
Hi, I could not resist pinpointing the following exerpts from a french
magazine called "Le Monde Informatique" (The Computer World ?). Well, I fra=
don't know what to think about such assertions...
(excuse the home-made translation)
<< Linux is a epiphenomenon, hammers for example Jean-Paul Figer, technical
director at Cap Gemini, [...] nevertheless, Linux phenomenon is interesting=
one point: it brings a real standard, which the Unix world was lacking of. =
an integrator (?), this standardisation ease our task. >>
<< Our involvement is a part of a global e-business strategy, for
which there is a need for standards. Linux is the core (hub) of this
standardisation, explains Thierry Latapy, at the direction of technological
integration and Services Softwares, (IBM GS). >>
Samuel Lacas
Of course it runs NetBSD
Bien s=FBr qu'il court NetBSD