Subject: Re: Motif released as open source
To: Scott Bartram <>
From: Peter Seebach <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 05/16/2000 13:16:42
In message <>, Scott Bartram writes:
>[My original subject line should have said "released *for* open source" not
>"released *as* open source"]
>From the Open Motif license:
>"This license will allow the release of the Motif source code, as a product
>called Open Motif, for use, reproduction and distribution on operating systems
>that are themselves Open Source programs, such as Linux and FreeBSD, without
>the payment of royalties. The license can be found at
>The bottom line is that you can download, compile, [modify and compile again],
>and distribute binaries for NetBSD.
Hmm. I wonder if they've thought about the implications of what happens when
someone takes that NetBSD system and produces a closed variant. It doesn't
meet the Open Source definition, anyway; restrictions on who can use it.