Subject: Re: SFBA NUG Reminder (Tues 13th) + SF City Meeting (Thur 15th)
To: Roland Dowdeswell <>
From: Julian Stacey <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 06/09/2000 16:19:32
> To:
> Cc:,
> Subject: SFBA NUG Reminder (Tues 13th) + SF City Meeting (Thur 15th)
> Date: Thu, 08 Jun 2000 19:43:56 -0700 (Fri 04:43 CEST)
> From: Roland Dowdeswell <>
> Agenda:
> o Topics as we dream them up.
> o Eat, Drink, Be Merry.
Again the San Francisco Bay Area NetBSD drinkers club announce their vitaly
important monthly booze up, planet wide, cross posted to 3 lists, ... Must be
of vital planet wide importance ? Kind of them to tell us all ;-)
How public spirited SFBA are, compared with such as Berkeley In Munich (Germany)
( who (self included) are really mean ;-) & only operate a
geographicly restricted list, & `deprive' the rest of the world ;-)
It's kind of SFBA to assume we're all so brain dead, it might never occur
to us to look up http://www.NetBSD.ORG & find a URL to SFBA if we happened
to be planning to go boozing in SF USA, & wanted NetBSD drinking company ;-)
I've `thanked' SFBA people privately for their world wide postings more than
once, but perhaps they need more `thanks' from others, equally interested
in where they're going boozing in SF USA, I guess people in EG France,
Australia, Russia etc find SFBA planet wide announcements equally useful ;-)
Isn't it nice that isn't just tedious
low traffic important technical announcements, but carries announcements of
refershing booze-ups a third of a world away ? ;-)
Julian Stacey, Munich.