Subject: Re: BSD Real Quick Newsletter
To: Michael Richardson <>
From: Chris Coleman <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 12/21/2000 00:05:46
I do know that they used bits from NetBSD/PPC for some of the machine
specific stuff in the beginning.  However, FreeBSD happens to be their
reference implementation at present, at least that is what it says on
their web page.  

Chris Coleman
Daemon News
Bringing BSD together

On Wed, 20 Dec 2000, Michael Richardson wrote:

> >>>>> "RealQuick" == Chris Coleman <> writes:
>     RealQuick> The big news circling around BSD right now seems to be
>     RealQuick> centered around Darwin.  It is expected that Apple's new
>     RealQuick> operating system will result in BSD being installed on more
>     RealQuick> than a million new computers, in the first quarter of 2001.
>     RealQuick> Darwin is actually the core of Mac OS X, with the Darwin
>     RealQuick> kernel being based on FreeBSD and Mach 3.0 technologies, it
>   I thought it was NetBSD/ppc.
> ] Train travel features AC outlets with no take-off restrictions|gigabit is no[
> ]   Michael Richardson, Solidum Systems   Oh where, oh where has|problem  with[
> ]   the little fishy gone?|PAX.port 1100[
> ] panic("Just another NetBSD/notebook using, kernel hacking, security guy");  [