Subject: Re: Why did NetBSD and FreeBSD diverge?
To: James Howard <>
From: Francisco Reyes <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 01/17/2001 12:36:29
On Wed, 17 Jan 2001, James Howard wrote:
> I was sitting here reading the histories of FreeBSD and NetBSD and trying
> to make sense of it all. Both split off from 386BSD in 1993. That much
> everyone seems to agree on. As near as I can tell, FreeBSD split in
> mid-1993 and NetBSD in earler 1993. But why didn't the FreeBSD group just
> become a 385-militant wing of the NetBSD development effort? Why was a
> different project needed?
Politics, different points of views, big egos...(one, some or all of
those) The same goes for why OpenBSD came to be and why there are still 3
What I never understood is why "officially" they don't coperate more with
each other. I believe that unoficially some of the developers
work/help/contribute to more than one of the BSDs.
Does anyone know what ever happened to the push for an unified port