Subject: Re: Why did NetBSD and FreeBSD diverge?
To: Brett Glass <>
From: Terry Lambert <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 01/19/2001 04:12:26
> >Actually, I view the whole thing as a useful applied sociology
> >experiment, from which much useful information derived.  If I
> >had the academic credentials as a social scientist to be seriously
> >published in the field, or wasn't busy with other things to the
> >point of being unable to waste time acquiring them, I'd write
> >several papers on the topic.
> A lack of credentials -- or a lack of ethics -- hasn't stopped 
> one Eric Raymond from writing papers on this topic, most of 
> them self-serving propaganda. You SHOULD publish, Terry; you
> make a lot more sense than Eric and wouldn't simply be out to
> increase the value of your stock.

I said "seriously".

					Terry Lambert
Any opinions in this posting are my own and not those of my present
or previous employers.