Subject: Re: Why did NetBSD and FreeBSD diverge?
To: Brett Glass <>
From: John Galt <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 01/19/2001 19:15:10
On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, Brett Glass wrote:

>At 10:10 AM 1/19/2001, Brad Knowles wrote:
>>        Right, everyone who opposes or disagrees with Brett is inherently evil.  I think we've heard this somewhere before.
>Yes. It's a statement commonly used to brand someone you are attacking
>as "delusional" (as you do later in your message).

Well, what's sauce for the goose...

>>        My personal reason for opposing you most of the time is that I find you an excessively annoying and tedious person to deal with,
>I'm terribly sorry if you find it "annoying and tedious" that I will
>not sit idly by while others attack me. I think it's my right to respond.

YOU attacked ME, and I only responded after a couple of months of allowing
you unhindered rein to lie, cheat, and steal, so yes, >I< DO expect you to
shut up and not respond.

>>        And with that, I think I'm about ready to killfile you, too.  I believe that I am a rather tolerant person, and I've only ever killfiled two other people in my whole life with Unix (dating back to 1984), but there's only so much from you that even I am willing to put up with.
>Another common element of the piling-on and shunning that occurs
>frequently here: a dramatic declration that the attacker is adding the
>person being attacked to his kill file (and an implicit request to others
>to do likewise).

Funny, the only thing that I see resembling a pile around here is you, you
steaming pile of maggot-ridden faeces.

>>        The worst of it is, in this particular case I think you have a valid point about there being a certain atmosphere of hazing with regards to the FreeBSD project -- maybe not from the committers themselves, but certainly by other people who are on the mailing lists and presumably have been on the mailing lists for some time.
>And yet you're not introspective enough to recognize that you're
>participating in it.

Perhaps he is, perhaps I am, but I can pretty much guarantee he and I have
nothing in common except the fact that both of us despise you.

>>Sadly, this point has now gotten lost in the noise that you have generated about yourself.
>Funny: looking back at this thread, it looks more as if you and a few others
>have been generating noise about me. When I entered the conversation, I
>merely agreed with a previous poster that the FreeBSD community had problems
>with hazing and shunning. It's ironic that the exchange has become
>self-referential. Add me to your kill file (which, of course, you're free
>to do), and you'll prove that you're part of the same phenomenon.

The noise generated about you is mostly due to your own actions.  You made
the bed, and I hope that you like being adopted.  I for one will NOT shun
you: I have better things to do with you, like adopt you as my own
personal flamebait.

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