Subject: Re: [ Re: Comdex post-mortem]
To: Charles M. Hannum <>
From: Charles M. Hannum <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 04/08/2001 01:29:27
I nearly forgot, of course, to mention translation costs, duties, and
other advertising.

For example, I failed to find someone who could do an accurate French
translation of the literature for Montreal and Paris for free, and
ended up having to pay someone in Montreal to do it (at the 11th hour,
which also massively increased my printing costs, but I digress).  I
also ran an ad in Montreal as an experiment, which cost a couple of

In case you're wondering about duties: it's actually cheaper to print
T-shirts in the U.S. and ship them to Canada, paying duties, than it is
to have them printed in Canada.  I'm not going to speculate why.

Anyway, I just wanted to underscore the point that there are all sorts
of costs you wouldn't naively expect.  It's `easy' to do a show in a
city where you already have a bunch of people and equipment, or where
you can conveniently schedule people to take business trips at the same
time, but that doesn't help much outside NYC, Boston, and maybe a
couple of places in CA.