Subject: Re: *BSD Counter Project
To: None <>
From: Herb Peyerl <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 07/04/2001 14:15:48  wrote:
 > >> A child could see that your data is hopelessly skewed. 
 > >
 > >I did start the counters at zero. The current count represents people who
 > >have declared themselves to be a user of a given OS or a mix of OSs. 
 > "I'll set all the counters to zero and then fill in OS data for everything 
 > initially based on data that only measures FreeBSD counts.". Yep, I'd say
 > that about sums it up. It's fairly obvious to anyone looking at this that's
 > it's skewed heavily in one direction arbitrarily. To claim otherwise (and
 > expect anyone to beleive it) is ridiculous.

I don't get this anyway.  The whole thing is so completely meaningless 
that it's a disservice to even bother trying.  Basically, it requires 
people to pro-actively do something in order to make it count.  I have
better things to do than to go register my 100+ NetBSD machines, so in
the end, he seems to be counting how many people are running whateverBSD
and who have nothing better to do with themselves.

Since FreeBSD is so much higher, maybe we can summarize that FreeBSD
users have nothing better to do with their time.
