Subject: Re: *BSD Counter Project
To: Josef Grosch <>
From: Mike Cheponis <mac@Wireless.Com>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 07/04/2001 10:29:04
You know, most of this could be done by (at least a first approximation)
by using the OS fingerprinting code that nmap uses.
For example, here's what nmap reported for
# nmap -Ovvv
Starting nmap V. 2.53 by ( )
No tcp,udp, or ICMP scantype specified, assuming vanilla tcp connect() scan. Use -sP if you really don't want to portscan (and just want to see what hosts are up).
Host ( appears to be up ... good.
<Snip list of open ports>
Sequence numbers: 7A6B01CC 7A6C3AD4 7A6D7A72 7A6E8E76 7A6FBB54 7A706D05
No OS matches for host (If you know what OS is running on it, see
Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 16 seconds
(nmap usually has a decent guess, but this time it did not.)
If you go to <> and type in you get:
The site is running Apache/1.3.14 (Unix) on FreeBSD.
So, the project to survey OS usage would be to go through the 32-bit
IP address space and figure out what the machine is running.
Sometimes, the DNS will have an entry like this: IN HINFO "PentiumPro 150/64MB/4GB" "BSD/OS UNIX 4.0"
which "nslookup" reports.
With these techniques, it should be possible to do an independent "first
approximation" survey. (Yes, I know, if stuff is behind firewalls or
otherwise hidden, you won't be able to tell. But this technique still has
a few advantages: It's automatic; you can split the scanning among
thousands of machines; it's objective - although you must be careful what
you are claiming from the results. Heck, if you merely took a random
sample of the 32-bit IP address space, you could produce probabilities that
project the likely population of the various OSs in the "visible" internet
within known bounds of precision.)
On Wed, 4 Jul 2001, Josef Grosch wrote:
>Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2001 13:30:44 -0700
>From: Josef Grosch <>
>To: Herb Peyerl <>
>Cc:, Bob Bernstein <>,
>Subject: Re: *BSD Counter Project
>On Wed, Jul 04, 2001 at 02:15:48PM -0600, Herb Peyerl wrote:
>> wrote:
>> >>>A child could see that your data is hopelessly skewed.
>> >>
>> >>I did start the counters at zero. The current count represents people who
>> >>have declared themselves to be a user of a given OS or a mix of OSs.
>> >
>> >"I'll set all the counters to zero and then fill in OS data for everything
>> >initially based on data that only measures FreeBSD counts.". Yep, I'd say
>> >that about sums it up. It's fairly obvious to anyone looking at this that's
>> >it's skewed heavily in one direction arbitrarily. To claim otherwise (and
>> >expect anyone to beleive it) is ridiculous.
>>I don't get this anyway. The whole thing is so completely meaningless
>>that it's a disservice to even bother trying. Basically, it requires
>>people to pro-actively do something in order to make it count. I have
>>better things to do than to go register my 100+ NetBSD machines, so in
>>the end, he seems to be counting how many people are running whateverBSD
>>and who have nothing better to do with themselves.
>>Since FreeBSD is so much higher, maybe we can summarize that FreeBSD
>>users have nothing better to do with their time.
>I'm working on a script that when run, will cause the machine to register
>itself. You may choose to do this or you may choose to do nothing. Either
>way its your call.