Subject: Re: Praise.
To: None <>
From: Hal Snyder <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 07/24/2001 17:14:56
Herb Peyerl <> writes:

> ...I got it running and booting off a 32MB compactflash card that I
> stole out of my Canon S100. I tried my various wireless cards (CDPD,
> Wavelan, Netwave, and Ricochet) and with the exception of 'Netwave',
> everything 'just worked' which is more than I can say for WINCE..

A question on the flash drive: do you have its filesystems mounted
read-only, or at least noatime? ISTR limits on the number of write
cycles for CF cards that would use them up after a few hours of
typical UNIX hard drive use.