Subject: Re: Netbsd shell, web servers
To: Perry E. Metzger <>
From: Andy R <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 10/30/2001 14:41:18
--- "Perry E. Metzger" <>
> Andy R <> writes:
> > I'm in need of a new shell server after
> > went out of existence. That was
> > running OpenBSD anyway, and that's not NetBSD
> which is
> > my favorite OS.
> I'm not sure what you mean by "shell server", but
> there are commercial
> ISPs that offer NetBSD based shell access. see
>, for
> example.

"Shell server" seems to be a common term on the net,
but it's probably a bit of a misnomer. I think it
means that you get a login shell rather than ftp only.
Which is nice to have. does allow
shell logins, some ISP's do not. I'll check panix.

I have looked through the "sites running NetBSD" page,
but it's not ISP (or "shell server") specific which is
kinda what I was looking for. Maybe I'll do a bit of
research and make one myself...
Wore your "This brain runs on NetBSD" T-shirt to the
world series game on Sunday. Got some thumbs ups on
it. Sorry you wasabi systems Yanks, but the
Diamondbacks are gonna take it!


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