Subject: advocacy
To: Hubert Feyrer <>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 02/19/2002 18:27:04
Hubert Feyrer <> writes:

> On Mon, 18 Feb 2002, Rick Kelly wrote:
> <advocacy>
> So, what can we do to promote NetBSD in these areas?

NetBSD isn't doing too badly right now. In the embedded market we're
making very rapid strides. I'd say the #1 largest impediment to wider
usage among more normal users is not a lack of promotion but the fact
that our setup and management tools aren't where we want them to be.

A full replacement for sysinst, better package management and patch
management are sort of key for more end user installations. I think
they're very much on our development timeline but we don't have them
yet. Unfortunately they're not something Wasabi can make money doing
but it is stuff that is key to keeping NetBSD healthy in general.

Perry E. Metzger
NetBSD Development, Support & CDs.