Subject: Re: advocacy
To: Perry E. Metzger <>
From: Rick Kelly <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 02/19/2002 20:06:15
Perry E. Metzger said:
>NetBSD isn't doing too badly right now. In the embedded market we're
>making very rapid strides. I'd say the #1 largest impediment to wider
>usage among more normal users is not a lack of promotion but the fact
>that our setup and management tools aren't where we want them to be.
Yup, there's a lot of new faces in the various NetBSD mailing lists. I know
a few Linux users who are now looking at NetBSD.
For heavy users who build servers we really need to have SMP on the major
systems. Athlon MP systems are getting cheaper, and I saw a place that
sells refurbished Sun Ultra 2 with dual 300Mhz procs for $1800 today.
>A full replacement for sysinst, better package management and patch
>management are sort of key for more end user installations. I think
>they're very much on our development timeline but we don't have them
>yet. Unfortunately they're not something Wasabi can make money doing
>but it is stuff that is key to keeping NetBSD healthy in general.
For server installation, sysinst is fine now, but we do need a way to get
X11 up and running quickly. We probably need to go to binary patches as well
as source patches.
If there was a NetBSD CD that came with an easily configured window manager
like KDE (for instance) it would probably be a good candidate for the shelves
at Compusa, Fry's, etc.
Most important is getting the name out there. I probably have the only truck
in Colorado with a Wasabi NetBSD bumper sticker. :-)
Rick Kelly