Subject: Re: Look and feel
To: NetBSD/advocacy <>
From: Iggy Drougge <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 02/21/2002 19:49:37
Ram Chandar skrev:

>There should be a consensus to develop a
>desktop look and feel for NetBSD.

NetBSD is a UNIX.

>Some people has suggested that opting for
>a default X setup with a particular WM/DE will
>promote a false notion of NetBSD's endorsement
>of that Software.

You mean as with Sendmail or BIND? I see no problem in endorsing any
particular piece of software as long as it is compatible with the BSD licence.

>This can be nullified by providing choices during
>install time  for say, GNOME,  KDE,  XFCE, WM etc.
>and by default theming the chosen environment
>to have the aforementioned NetBSD theme/look-n-feel.

Apart from the traditionalist perspective, one big problem would be finding
something which would run on all NetBSD platforms. Gnome and KDE are too
bloated even on modern high-end hardware, I don't want to think of how it
would run, or even compile, on my HP300 or Mac68ks.
I don't think a NetBSD-related solution would be out of place here, instead of
one of the Linux-derived everything-but-the-kitchen-sink bloat monsters.

En ligne avec Thor 2.6a.