Subject: Re: Network Neighbourhood on NetBSD?
To:, David Maxwell <>
From: Andy R <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 02/22/2002 04:44:53
--- wrote:
> The attitude of this user was one suggestive of
> laziness on his part,
> and a lack of drive. I doubt there are many here who
> would waste their
> time evaluating a Linux distribution when there's so
> much effort
> involved in installing, fiddling, and learning a new
> one.

Or maybe he's just too busy writing NetBSD code?
That's what I'd like to think anyway. Since I don't
write code, I can do things like this. I don't like
setting up Linux distros either, but it's something
you do just to keep up with the industry once in a
while if you are me...

Thing is, it's all a waste of time in the end because
nobody will EVER convince me the GPL is the right
license, which is the ultimate reason why I don't use


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