, Richard Rauch <rauch@rice.edu>
From: sudog <sudog@sudog.com>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 03/13/2002 09:01:37
On Tuesday 12 March 2002 16:41, Herb Peyerl wrote:
> "political correctness" is always the wrong reason to do something. If
> your goal is to offend 0 people, then you might as well just stay in bed.
Well, perhaps a better logo then would be a swastika. After all, with that
line of reasoning, it really doesn't matter which symbol ends up on the
front page because keeping offense to a minimum is no longer an issue.
Okay that's a bit over the top..
There's offense, and then there's propriety--appropriate imagery goes a
long way to keeping warm and fuzzy feelings in the users. Not that I care
much about someone who's offended by a plush-toy.. but I digress.
I happen to agree (now that I know about it) that basing an image on one
associated with conquering a nation isn't particularly Good.
Why not use a giant mushroom cloud and the word "Nagasaki" with an arrow
pointing to the base? The current image is a level of abstraction beyond
that, sure, but with the war still pretty fresh even a generation later,
reminding them that we were the ones who horribly mangled their relatives
doesn't seem very "nice" to me--political correctness or no.
> I'm happy that I've been able to offend a couple of linux-leenies with
> the logo/image for my company: http://www.realweasel.com . I like the
> logo. If you're offended by it, I don't want you as a customer.
That's esoteric and humourous. That logo has few and indirect historical
connotations, and has no business offending people. A sense of humour is a
requirement for system admin--if they don't have it, I don't blame you for
excluding those people from your customer base. Quite frankly I think it's
a superb way of weeding out "potentials" without an offensive dialogue.
> > * Inasmuch as I am any judge, the imagery suggests the BSD tradition.
> > (Cartoony daemons with forks.)
> I like the above. What I find amusing is that almost none of those ideas
> were present when the logo was drawn in the pub over a few guiness...
Cartoony daemons with forks is nice... Personally I'd prefer something
more along the lines of Tijai's most incredible:
Badass Daemon!!
Cute and cuddly just doesn't do it for me. I want a badass on my desktop!!
Somehow I doubt many would agree with me.
Tijai, if you're reading this via referrer logging: Thanks for letting us
see your work. You kick ass.