Subject: Re: Permission to use the NetBSD logo
To: Iggy Drougge <>
From: Jim Wise <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 03/13/2002 21:47:37
Hash: SHA1
On Thu, 14 Mar 2002, Iggy Drougge wrote:
>> How very odd. So an image of soldiers fighting to preserve liberty and
>> democracy who _actually achieved_ liberation of huge stretches of the
>> world, and who fought with such an interest in democracy, not conquest,
>> that a generation later their children and the children of those who
>> they fought are living in prosperous democracies and collaborating on
>> Open Source products is `propaganda'. But an image of a revolution
>> fought in the name of leveling and forced reshaping of human nature
>> which resulted in the Reign of Terror and a century of aftershocks is a
>> good symbol.
>Whatever they may have fought for, the Iwojima picture is a propaganda
>We could use that famous picture of the Vietnamese girl running naked from
>napalm bombings, that, too, is a picture of soldiers fighting to preserve
>liberty and democracy, though not a fitting propaganda picture.
You see no difference? Your thought process is even odder than I
>As for the revolution, I thought most people agreed that it was a good
>thing. I associate it with the enlightenment and democracy, a people's
You are aware that the issue in question is associated with the _French_
revolution, no? Like many later reigns which called themselves
`people's' governments, the French revolution provided neither democracy
nor enlightenment. It did provide an awful lot of tyranny and
bloodshed, though...
>> I'm quite sure that I don't understand your thought process here...
>War bad. Democracy good.
Actually, your original post seemed to be `Americans fighting for actual
democracy, bad; Jacobins fighting for levelling and the Reign of
terror, good.'
- --
Jim Wise
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