Subject: sponser a contest at usenix
To: None <>
From: Floyd d'Bird <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 05/30/2002 16:02:06
While thinking about the UseNix conference coming it it struck me that alot
of people just use Linux because that is what they hear of first and give
no thought to the other issues, such as licensing or portability.
As people are motivated by trips, I thought maybe a contest for the
best project being done on NetBSD would be a good idea. I have enough
FF miles I could donate air fare to the winner, and maybe the hotel
depending on where it is held (don't travel as much as I used to for work
though). I would also be willing to kick in a few hundred dollars towards
this also. Would others be willing to donate some money (it would be used
to promote the contest as well as fund the prizes), and time (to judge
the entries, maybe provide some write up guidelines for people to
NetBSD and portable code issues, and create a web site to let people
register their entries etc....
anyway... an idea... I can help organize this, but not pull it off alone...
others thoughts?