Subject: Re: suggestions for NetBSD stickers?
To: None <>
From: Kevin Lahey <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 01/17/2003 08:28:59
In message <> I wrote:
>Since I'll have 250 stickers when I really only need 
>one, I'm likely to reward just about anybody I see with several
>of the stickers, but there it is.

A couple of people have written asking about getting copies of
the sticker, when it gets made.  No problem.  My plan is to take 20 
or so for myself, distribute some at the San Francisco NetBSD meeting,
then throw it open to anybody who sends me a stamped, self-addressed
envelope (SASE) -- I can probably fit two or three stickers per
envelope.  If I had any left after six months or so, I'd just give
to rest to The NetBSD Foundation for distribution at trade shows, 
