Subject: Re: ocaml website: netbsd copycat -- plus taint?
To: None <>
From: Matt Prazak <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 07/23/2003 13:57:20 writes:
 > ...
 > It seems to me NetBSD has acquired a certain nebulous taint in the last 
 > year or so that I can't quite put my finger on. It's almost as though 
 > some decisions are beginning to be made based on monetary drives, 
 > rather than simple altruism and a desire to give away superior code to 
 > the unwashed masses.
 > For example, the words "marketing tool" and "controlling your message" 
 > gave me a very distinct chill when I read them. Have I gone temporarily 
 > insane? Am I really the only one that's been noticing a slight shift in 
 > attitude and behaviour? Is my paranoia getting the better of me of 
 > late, perhaps?
 > Is there now a commercial interest with its finger on the pulse of 
 > NetBSD that desires a greater degree of control over its direction and 
 > assets?
 > ...

It could be that some people who are beginning to think about free software in
a commercial sense have had their optimism crushed over the last two years (and
perhaps over the last decade), and they are becoming cynical.  They may be
wondering why many commercial programmers get paid to produce garbage
(literally) yet seem to keep getting the marks (customers) coming back for
more.  They may wonder that it doesn't take integrity or talent to get ahead in
the software industry; rather, it seems to take a good team of lawyers,
back-scratchers, or, individually, lying with a straight face.

On the positive side, this sort of attitude is clearly short-sighted, where we
should hope the inherent integrity of free software outlasts temporary lapses
of mind share or philosophical backing.  But, we have to be understanding that
the industry, as a whole, is very unhealthy and very imbalanced, right now, and
it is wearing hard on lots of people.  If another period of abundance occurs,
then these attitudes will likely swing into the positive, again.


(I hope my own cynicism doesn't rub off on anyone--that's not my intent!)

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