Subject: Ottawa (and area) pizza + beer - OSW discussion
To: None <>
From: Dan Langille <>
List: netbsd-advocacy
Date: 01/06/2004 13:31:18
This Thursday Dec 8 2004, we're meeting at 6pm at the Colonade,
Somerset St for some pizza+beer. The main topic of dicussion will be
what we are doing at OSW (Open Source Weekend) which is about a month
away (
280 Metcalfe at Gilmour
We try to be in the same seats each time, which is to the left as you
enter, and in the farthest corner. If you can't find us, ask the
staff where the computer group is.
You don't have to eat pizza, or drink beer. But most of us will be.
For that matter, you don't even have to be interested in BSD.
Dan Langille :